Happy Solstice!
Today marks the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere - a day filled with over fifteen hours of daylight. After what has been a dark spring for many, today is a day for new beginnings. Let's start this new season with new positive energy!
Here's an idea to let go and grow together as we begin this next chapter.

Materials Needed:
2 Jars or Baskets
Pens or Markers
This is an activity for everyone in your home. Kids need to see that adults are part of this process and just like kids, are always working to notice and grow. There is no right or wrong way to do this, so find the way that feels right to you.
Jar 1: Letting Go
What are you going to let go of or leave behind?
What worry, anger, or old habit are you going to leave behind? While you may need to act as scribe for your youngest children, when possible, let your kids use their own writing and spelling to express their ideas. Children develop as confident writers when they apply their writing skills and strategies and take pride in the (sometimes imperfect) results. The goal is for everyone to express their ideas on their own pieces of paper.
Jar 2: A New Beginning
What are your hopes, goals, and visions for Summer 2020?
What are your hopes and wishes for this summer? Based on the things that you are going to let go of, what are you going to do (i.e. spend less time on electronics or share more with your siblings)?For some children, you may need to spend some time talking about different types of wishes. Ideally, steer your kids towards ideas beyond wishes for toys or treats. What could you do or work on that would make it a wonderful summer for everyone in your home? You may want to consider the feelings you hope to experience together or memories you hope to create. How will you, together, act to achieve those goals? As adults, we need to help children expand their perspective-taking skills and and circles of consideration and concern. Both as members of a family and a larger community, kids need to learn that their actions affect those around them and can contribute to making things better and brighter for all.
Begin together by talking about the summer solstice and explaining both of the jars. Take some time to write down as many ideas as you can to fill both jars. These jars can stay out throughout the day so that you can continue adding to them. Before everyone begins writing, talk about whether you want to eventually share the thoughts aloud. You can write "do not share" on any to be kept private.
At the end of the day, come together and begin by reading through Jar 1. (Those that people were okay with sharing.) Then, decide as a family what you are going to do with these slips of paper. One idea is to let them burn in your summer campfire!
Then, share the ideas from Jar 2 and discuss how you can start right away to put these ideas into action.
Finally, find a way to celebrate together that we've made it to a new season! Get up and dance or roast some marshmallows in that campfire. Start the summer off by celebrating the fact that you are together, and that we all have the power to bring change to ourselves, our families, and our communities in this new season!